About Our School
Hungerford Primary School is a 2 form entry primary school in the market town of Hungerford in West Berkshire catering for children aged 4 to 11 years. Our school has one aim; to enable every child in our care to be successful. We have high expectations of our children and set challenging targets for them. We encourage every child to reach their full potential and recognise that each child is special in their own way and has their own contribution to make to our school and in the wider community.

Our school has one rule which governs everything that happens here: "Be Kind"

We expect all members of our community follow this. Our staff are dedicated, hardworking and bring with them a range of experiences. We provide a calm and caring atmosphere in school and encourage an ethos based on enjoyment of learning. We expect a great deal from our children and ourselves. We encourage a positive relationship with our parents and have a very supportive and active Parent Association and Governing Board.
We are delighted to have been able to bring the award-winning programme myHappymind to the children in our school. myHappymind is grounded in neuroscience and scientific research and has been backed by the NHS.
This is a preventative programme, designed to support the development of good mental health habits, resilience and self esteem and our parents can even get “myHappyminding” through our Parent App.
For more details, please click on the link below: