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Working together, Learning together

Year 5

We are Year 5. We have two classes; 5K, whose teacher is Mr King and 5H, whose teacher is Mrs Hughes. Read our latest newsletter.

The Year 5 children are Navigators.

Our learning pathways are individual, yet inter-connected, leading students on a journey of discovery. As Navigators, we lead the way and, through our curriculum lessons, we are teaching our children to be:

· Leaders

· Able to apply skills

· Overcomers

· Focused

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Summer Term 2 2024 - Global Warming

“Global Warning” is a thematic unit, which is geography-focused with sustainability and eco literacy at its heart. This project-based theme involves pupils applying their learning about the global environmental issues of waste and pollution by creating a board game, which is both educational and fun. The pupils will work in groups to research, design and produce their board game, after which they will present and demonstrate it to the class.

Read our Knowledge Organiser.

Summer Term 1 2024 - The Rescuers

This term, Year 5, will be starting with the topic - The Rescuers -  based on the story of the Titanic.  The Rescuers is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the inspirational stories of two of the lesser-known heroes of the Titanic – Molly Brown and Harold Bride. We will learn, through their life stories, about their courage and ongoing legacies. 

Read our Knowledge Organiser.

Spring Term 2 2024 - You're Not Invited

Our Topic for Spring 2 is "You’re Not Invited!".  This is a thematic unit, based around invaders with a key focus on history. It begins by looking at the concept of invasion, before focusing especially on the Romans, learning about important Roman figures and their reasons for invading other countries. Please see our newsletter for information on other subject. We will also be having Forest School this term which will be on Friday afternoons.

Read our Knowledge Organiser

Spring Term 1 2024 - Come Fly with Me! America

Come Fly with Me! America is our first topic for the spring term. It is a thematic unit, based on North and Central America, with a key focus on geography and history. It begins with the location of countries and states before learning about the discovery of America and the Native American people. Pupils will also study weather and climate, as well as human and physical features. The unit ends with an explanation of ‘The American Dream’, whilst examining the values of freedom and tolerance.

Read our Knowledge Organiser.

Autumn Term 2023 - Mission Control

“Mission Control” is a thematic unit based around the subject of Earth and beyond, with a key focus on science and history. Pupils learn about the Earth, Sun and Moon and their relationship to each other, before finding out more about space exploration and communication.


We were lucky enough to Zoom chat to a NASA scientist who has actually launched crafts into space and who is hoping to become an astronaut soon.

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