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Working together, Learning together

Friends of Hungerford Primary School

Read our most recent newsletter. It's full of news from recent events, updates on money raised and information on upcoming dates for the diary including:

  • Tuesday 27 February - Bags to School
  • Friday 8 March - Spring Flower Sale
  • Friday 22 March - Non Uniform Day
  • Wednesday 27 March - Chocolate Tombola
Friends of Hungerford Primary   School             Logo (3)

The Friends of Hungerford Primary School (formerly PTA) is a charitable organisation formed by parents, which aims to support Hungerford Primary to achieve its goal of providing the best educational experience for our children. We work in cooperation with the school to identify ways in which we might provide support, both financial and practical. We fund-raise, make grant applications and try to find skilled individuals who can provide an invaluable service to the school. We are also keen to support parents directly with practical solutions such as our second-hand school uniform sales. 

In addition to supporting the school in its everyday needs we are currently working to build relationships between the school and other Hungerford based groups to raise the profile of the school in the community.


Who’s Who on the committee of Friends of Hungerford Primary School

Read the minutes of our recent meetings:

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