Sports Day June 2021
On Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of June, KS1 and KS2 competed in our annual Sports Day event. Both days were a mixture of sunshine and clouds and thankfully . All the children, from Foundation Stage to Year 6, were eager to participate and were encouraged to take part in every event available. In KS1, the children completed a: sprint race, obstacle course, bean bag race and a three legged race. Children in Y2 enjoyed a tug of war In KS2, the children completed a: sprint race, obstacle course, wicket and ball race, relay and a very competitive class v class tug of war and a long distance run too! The children had practised the events within their PE lessons this term and showed great determination, skill and sportsmanship throughout. We were all very disappointed that parents and carers couldn’t be with us to watch this year. However, we hope you can see how much the children enjoyed the event in the pictures below.
